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Ms. Peppers

Identifying and showing emotions

Grades: Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Character Building

Student Instructions

Being able to identify emotions helps us get along with other people and make responsible choices. There are lots of ways to show how we feel - with our bodies, our words, our faces - but today, we're going to use faces to learn about emotions. Tap add . On page 1, tap the link to hear about lots of emotions, along with how these feelings look and what can make us feel different emotions. Back on seesaw , each of the other pages will have a photo of a kid feeling some kind of emotion. Look at the clues on their faces and decide how they're feeling. Try to show that same emotion with your face. Use the photo to take a photo, then use the mic to tell me the emotion you're showing. When you're finished with all of the pages, tap the check .
