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Teachers, save β€œTheme, Vocabulary and Writing” to assign it to your class.

Suzanne Snead, Digital Learning Specialist

Theme, Vocabulary and Writing

Years: 3rd Grade
Subjects: Writing, English Language Arts, Reading
Standards: Compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry, using genre characteristics and craft. (ELA.3.12(A)), Infer the theme of a work, distinguishing theme from topic. (ELA.3.8(A)), Use context within and beyond a sentence to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and multiple-meaning words. (ELA.3.3(B))

Student Instructions

Let's πŸ“•to find the theme and share evidence that support the theme of the text. Then we will practice using context clues to define key vocabulary. Finally, we will write about, share by reading aloud and illustrate a personal experience. There are 3 pages in this activity. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the ⭐ to πŸ‘‚πŸΌ to the instructions. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the πŸ”‰ to πŸ‘‚πŸΌ something read aloud to you. 1. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the 🟒 add to begin. 2. 1st πŸ“• the text in the ⬜. πŸ’­ about the theme of the text. 3. πŸ‘€ the choices to determine the one that best describes the theme of the text. 4. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the voice tool to share evidence that supports your choice. 5. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the 🟑 ➑ to go to the next page. 6. On page 2, match the vocabulary word to its definition and picture by πŸ‘†πŸΌ each card until you land on the correct matches. 7. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the 🟑 ➑ to go to the next page. 8. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the label to write about a personal experience that involved teamwork to solve a problem. 9. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the voice to read your writing aloud. 10. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the drawing tools to illustrate your story. 11. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the 🟒 check to turn in your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

⭐Summary: Students will read text to determine the theme and share evidence to support the theme. Vocabulary practice and creative writing activities that correlate with the text are also included. ⏩ This activity utlizes the following extra Seesaw features: Read-with-Me (which will highlight the text as it's read aloud for the student), formative assessment and flexcards (which are like flashcards). πŸ”‘ Key Vocabulary: theme, supporting evidence/key details, collaboration, challenge, community and apprehensive ⭐This is a supplemental activity that can be used in conjunction with your district curriculum. ⭐This activity can be used whole group on an interactive board where students come up and manipulate the objects in the activity or on individual devices individually assigned to students. πŸ›‘ Always preview videos/links to be sure they fit your audience/needs.
