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Teachers, save “Getting to know you” to assign it to your class.

Miss Picklum

Getting to know you

Grades: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Character Building, Digital Citizenship

Student Instructions

Use Keynote to create a one slide presentation about yourself. On that slide you will add as many photos as you can that will tell the class all about you. Here are some ideas of what you could include: What sports do you play? What do you do for fun? What foods do you like? What subjects do you like at school? Do you have any pets? What places do you like to visit? What do you like to read? What movies / TV shows / music do you like? When the time is up you will need to make your slide full screen, take a screenshot and upload the picture to this activity. Tomorrow you will get a chance to share you work and tell the class all about yourself! Workflow: Keynote > Photos > Seesaw
