Student Instructions
You’re IT! It is your turn to complete this activity for the class to comment on in our class Find a number of items to arrange for a picture. Look at the example to see how it can be done. Click on . Click on and take picture of your arranged items. resize and move your photo to fit into the first box. Change 3 or 4 things about the arrangement: take something out, move something or add something. Click on and take a picture of your new arrangement. resize and move this photo to fit into the second box. Click on to add it to your journal. Share it with our class . Classmates will write in the comments when they Spot the difference!
Assign this activity to one student each day. When you approve it, be sure it is posted in the class blog for student to ‘Spot the difference!’ and write in the comments. You can do the first one as a sample student to show students how it is done.