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Teachers, save “Microbit Stoplight Challenge” to assign it to your class.

Peter McKenna

Microbit Stoplight Challenge

Grades: 4th Grade, 3rd Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: STEAM, Computer Science, Computational Thinking

Student Instructions

Can you build a working Stoplight? You will need the parts your instructor gives you and Makecode to code the solution. First, write out a plan for the way a stoplight is set up and runs, then build it and code it! Note that in the video the stoplight was turned upside down, red is always on top!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Students are challenged to build and code this stoplight. I do this with Third grade, but it is an activity that would work 3-6 grade. Here is a link to paste to the correct code that students figure out- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kDgiMRPjb0C2xQqTkWgWhkfT8hTautsV80dwQLgBKFc/edit?usp=sharing You need a Microbit V2, female-to-female pin wires, and a Keyestudio Breakout Board, and three LEDs ( White can be colored with Sharpie) for pairs or teams of students. The stoplight has a Walk/Don't Walk symbol on the screen and has a gate that closes when the light is red. Products: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FPL5QV8?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 https://www.keyestudio.com/products/keyestudio-micro-bit-sensor-shield-v2-black-and-eco-friendly
