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Adrienne Jimerson

Word Problem Generator

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

1. Click add to open page 1 and see the Teacher Example. 2. Play the yellow directions box first. 3. Then click the link "Tap Here to Play" to go to the website! 4. Take a screenshot of your problem, and share a photo of your work on your whiteboard or use any of the Seesaw tools to share how you solved it. 5. Tap draft if you need more time, or check when you are proud and ready to share with your teacher and family. Tip: duplicate page 2 if you want to try another word problem!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

A. Jimerson @Super2ndsMrsJ I highly recommend doing this activity after using Amie Wetmore's week-long single-step word problem Seesaw activity so that students have had sufficient practice visualizing the beginning, middle, end, and action (change) in a word problem. Using the slide decks from https://bstockus.wordpress.com/numberless-word-problems/ to practice all the problem types from the 2.2.5 T&L overview page with Numberless Word Problems is also highly suggested before unleashing your students on the generator. I included a screenshot of how I want my students to set up the parameters for their random word problem but feel free to go to the site and change it to screenshot your own parameters and edit that page in this task as needed. Enjoy! #SeesawAmbassador
