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Teachers, save “What artwork is the most powerful ever m…” to assign it to your class.


What artwork is the most powerful ever made?

Grades: 11th Grade, 10th Grade, 12th Grade
Subjects: Art

Student Instructions

The aim of this exercise is for you to educate your classmates on social commentary in art. You should aim to convince them that the artwork you chose is the most powerful ever created through your research and video. Follow the below instructions on how to make your video: 1) Chose an artwork that makes a social comment (consider Picasso, Goya, Ai WeiWei) 2) Research the artwork: Some questions you could address are: What is the social comment in the artwork? How are the visual elements and principles used to communicate the comment? Why are the signs and symbols in the artwork so powerful? 3) Create a short 2-3min video convincing your classmates this is the most powerful artwork ever made, you can make this as creative as you want.
