Student Instructions
1. Click Add Response.
2. Complete the activity.
3. When you’re ready to add to your journal, click the green
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Summary This pattern recognition activity is perfect for Hour of Code, a STEAM center, or to extend math instruction. In this activity, students practice decomposition (breaking something large into smaller parts), pattern recognition (finding what is similar), and their math facts. Student I Will Statement I will look for patterns to find the missing numbers. Standards - CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.A.4, 3.OA.B.6, 3.OA.C.7, 3.NBT.A.2 - CCSS.Math.Content.4.NBT.B.4-6 Instructional Format - Whole Class - Small Groups - Independent Practice - Partners Suggested Lesson Plan Page 1: Read and watch the video as a whole class to learn the directions. Pages 2-5: Model with the whole class how to use pattern recognition to determine the missing number. Remind students to select a tool in each frame to share their thinking. Page 6: Remind students to click the frame to select a tool to reflect on this activity.