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Teachers, save “Speeches - Dr Martin Luther King Jr.” to assign it to your class.

Dianne Khan

Speeches - Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Years: 7th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
Subjects: Speech, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

PAGE 1: LISTEN & THINK Listen to the clip of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivering one of his most famous speeches, “I Have a Dream”. As you listen, think about what makes this speech so powerful. What does Dr King do that works well? WITH A BUDDY: SHARE IDEAS & TAKE NOTES After you listen to the clip, talk about it with a buddy who has also listened to the clip. What did you notice? What worked well? As you share your ideas, jot down some notes. PAGE 2: RECORD YOUR IDEAS Use the notes to help you write or record what you and your buddy noticed. Give examples when you can. When you have finished, click check to submit.
