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Tamara Letter

Money Practice: Counting and Comparing Coins and Bills

Grades: 2nd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

** Use mic to record yourself thinking aloud as you complete your pages. Pages 1-3: Use move to move coins and bills to show two ways to make the amount at the top. Pages 4-6: Use pen to write the money amounts in each set and circle the correct term in the middle. Pages 7-9: Use move and pen to create your own money comparisons. - Drag coins and bills to purple boxes. - Write money amounts in blue boxes. - Circle correct term in the middle. When finished, tap check to submit work to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Learning Intentions: - I am learning how to correctly count coins and bills to show different amounts. - I can look at two sets of money and tell you which set is greater than, less than, or equal to the other set. Success Criteria: - I can show money amounts using coins and bills. - I can create my own money amounts. - I can compare money.
