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Christine Seabrook

Recap of Addition

Grades: 2nd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Good Morning, Today we are going to recap what we can remember about addition! 1) Have a go playing the below game online to recap your addition facts within 20: https://www.mathplayground.com/ASB_AlienAddition.html Where it says ‘content range’ add in From 1 To 20. You could make the number bigger if you wanted to challenge yourself :) 2) Choose at least 8 questions to complete from the Addition Chili Challenge! Remember the hotter the chilli, the trickier the question may be. Start on some questions you feel comfortable with to begin with and then try to challenge yourself. You can either type/ draw your working out on the squared paper on SeeSaw or complete it on a piece of paper and send us a photograph afterwards. Remember you can use counters to help you (or pieces of lego, pasta etc) or a written method, such as the column method. 3) OPTIONAL - Can you solve the Pikachu Challenge question?
