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Vickie Kennemer

AMI Day 4, March 20-Reading for Mrs. Kennemer

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Reading

Student Instructions

Reading, Day 4 - Mrs. Kennemer- Today, you are going to have a blast completing this Story Elements activity. There are three parts to this activity; so, make sure you come back to these instructions before sending it back to me. So, I need for you to go to your bedroom or wherever you keep your books and select one that you would like to read...and yes, you can read one of A - Z Raz Kids. 1. Read the story very well so you can complete the next two steps. 2. After the story, I would like for you to video yourself telling me: What the title of the story is... Who the characters are... Where the story is taking place... What the problem is in the story… How was the problem solved? 3. Before clicking on the send button, I need you to ask me a question about your book beginning with one of the question words we have been learning: “Who?” "What?" "When?" "Where?" "Why?" "How?"
