Student Instructions
Think about a place you would like to go this summer. Why do you want to go there? What will you do? Use pictures and/or writing to tell your idea. 1) If you would like to hear another story a place that is fun to visit, click the 2) Draw a picture on paper showing a place you would like to go and what you would like to do there. Make sure to add details to show where you what you will do and where you are! Under your picture, write about your picture using the letter sounds you hear. *** Parents-- PLEASE do not help your child write. This is simply to gain a snapshot of where your child is independently at this time to track growth over the year** 3) Use the tool to take a picture to upload to your Seesaw. If you are unable to write on paper, you may do it in the seesaw with the tools, but on paper is preferred. 4) Use the to record yourself telling me what you drew/wrote 5) Click to share your work with me.