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Teachers, save “Can You Haiku?” to assign it to your class.

Adam Whiteman

Can You Haiku?

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Writing, Home Learning

Student Instructions

In this activity, you need to write two haiku poems. At least one of your poems should be about nature. Use the label tool in the templates provided to brainstorm and choose your topics, brainstorm your ideas and write your own haiku poems. Remember that a haiku poem has three lines, and follows the syllable pattern 5-7-5. When you have finished writing, check/edit your work. Make sure that you have: - A title - Three lines - Correct syllable count on each line - Capital letters and punctuation (where needed) - Correct spelling - Writing that makes sense.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity allows students to practice writing haiku poetry.
