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Teachers, save “I have clean hands/Tengo los manos limpios!” to assign it to your class.

Sharon Rose Alterman

I have clean hands/Tengo los manos limpios!

Grades: Kindergarten, PK-TK, Other
Subjects: Special Education, Health, Science

Student Instructions

Watch the video and answer the questions to test your knowledge of handwashing. Have mom or dad record a video of you washing your hands to show off your skill. Don't forget to count to 20! https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/EMpbJq2dNu Mire el video y responda las preguntas para evaluar su conocimiento sobre el lavado de manos. Haga que mamá o papá graben un video de usted lavándose las manos para mostrar su habilidad. ¡No olvides contar hasta 20! https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/EMpbJq2dNu

Suzanne Snead, Digital Learning Specialist

Earth, Moon & Sky: Water Power

Tuuli Koitjärv


Tuuli Koitjärv
