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Carma Sorensen

Friends Share (Counting)

Grades: PK-TK, Kindergarten
Subjects: Special Education, Math, Character Building

Student Instructions

1. Click on the add button. 2, Look at the number to see how many blocks the friend on the left is going to share with the friend on the right. 3, Use the move tool to share the correct number of blocks. 4. Click on the check to add your work to your journal. Simplify: * Do only the first five pages (1-5). * Help your child move and/or count, depending on their ability. * If your child is not ready for counting, have them name or point to a specific color of block instead. Extend: * Have your child count the blocks in the pile at the bottom by marking each one with a drawing as they count. * Have your child see how many blocks are left in the boy's hand and tell who has more. * Ask your child to name the number that comes before or after the number on the page. Learning Opportunities. Math 3 yr.1.1: Count to ten by ones. Math 3 yr.1.2: Recognize that numbers have a known sequence (for example, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5. What comes next?”). Math 4 yr.1.2: In the sequence of 1–10, identify numbers that come before or after one another. Math 4 yr.1.3: Count a number of objects from 0–10 and begin to associate them with a written numeral. Math 3 yr.1.4: Begin to name written numerals 0–5. Math 4 yr.1.4: Name written numerals 0–10. Math 3 yr.1.5: Begin to develop an understanding of the relationship between some numbers and quantities by using one-to-one correspondence. Math 4 yr.1.5: Use one-to-one correspondence when counting objects to ten. Math 3 yr.1.6: Begin to point to and count up to five objects. Math 4 yr.1.7: Count two sets of objects up to 10 to determine which has more.
