Instructions for Pupils
🦗click on the EXAMPLE (view original or link in ) to find some fun
🦋Do you have an old plant pot in the garden, or an old mug you no longer use?
🦟What about a small box or some toilet or kitchen rolls?
🐛Hunt around your garden for crackly dry leaves, twigs, hollow stems, dead grass or pine cones.
🐞These are the perfect materials to help create warm, dry spaces that will attract different creepy crawlies.
🐌Place a pot or mug on its side (so it doesn’t fill with rain), leave it in a sheltered corner of the garden a
🐛Follow the instructions on the video or on the student template.
🦗Don't forget to share a
, a
of your own bug hotel or
and tell us how you did it.
Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)
Credit to to Amanda Bembridge for giving me the idea and framework.