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Teachers, save “New Year's Resolutions” to assign it to your class.

Traci Piltz @TraciPiltz

New Year's Resolutions

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Think about a resolution you could make at home or at school. Then, tap add to begin this activity. Use label to write a sentence about your resolution. Use the drawing to draw a picture of your resolution. Use the mic to tell about your resolution. Tap check check to save to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

I usually read the story Squirrel's New Year's Resolution by Pat Miler to introduce the idea of a resolution to students. You can find it on Amazon or Scholastic. https://goo.gl/wL2Bi7 I would discuss whole group and write ideas on chart paper, then have students complete this activity in Seesaw.
