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Teachers, save “Characters Reading Response Choice Board” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Etchason

Characters Reading Response Choice Board

Years: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Reading, Literacy

Student Instructions

1. Read your book. 2.Choose a response question to answer about your book. 3. Highlight the checkmark to mark your choice. 4. Write / discuss your answer to the question on page 2.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

You can change the number of items your students your students answer by changing the directions above and text and audio on the first page. You will also need to duplicate page 2 to match the number of responses. Various Ways to Use these Reading Response Choice Boards: *Guided Reading Table: These are a great tool to use when wanting to teach certain concepts or ways to respond in a small group setting. They can be used in incorporating writing or an oral discussion. *Independent Reading Time: These boards will give several response question choices for students to use at the end of their independent reading time. They can share with a partner or two, after! *Turn & Talk: These can easily be incorporated into turn & talk time! You can choose a question (or they can) and they will take turns responding orally. *Partner Time: Students can respond to your read aloud by pairing with a buddy and working on a question from the choice board together! *Literature Circles: These will guide students with oral discussions/written responses to their group book! *Morning Work: These are perfect, quiet activities to start off your morning while students are arriving to school! They can respond from the previous day or from a fresh morning read! *Homework: Students will stay engaged when selecting a question from a choice board to enhance their nightly reading- they can keep track by coloring a checkmark box once completed. *Early Finishers: Are your students completing classwork at varying speeds? Give them a choice board while they wait for others to finish! *Quick-Check Assessments: You can easily take a reading/writing grade based on their quality and depth of writing and response!
