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Teachers, save “September 2020 Calendar” to assign it to your class.

Brittany Howell

September 2020 Calendar

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Math, Reading

Student Instructions

This is how I use the calendar, but you choose how you see fit for you and your students! I choose my name on Seesaw to complete the activity. Teacher will complete calendar activities daily throughout the month of September with the students. Page 2: Calendar - say and write the date, recite days of the week, review shapes and add a shape to the calendar each day to make and continue a pattern, move over the day of the week for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Page 3: Reveal the next number on the hundreds chart each day to match the day of school you are on by moving and deleting the box Page 4: graph the weather for the day by coloring in the graph Page 5: Practice counting forwards to 10 and backwards 10 to 0 and practice identifying the numbers in the box. Move the numbers over to the number line in order. Pick a number and move that amount of hearts on the ten frame. Page 6: Pick a learning song to listen to! Remember to move everything back before saving progress for using the calendar for the next day! The only pages I do not move everything back is the hundreds chart, the weather graph, and the pattern on the calendar. Remember to click draft to save the progress and not submit the activity! The draft activity will be located under my name and I click edit each day to use calendar every day.
