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Teachers, save “End of the Day Check In” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Thompson

End of the Day Check In

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Daily Routines

Student Instructions

1. Click add 2. Use move to drag the emotion you are feeling right now. 3. Use move to choose how many stars your day was 4. Use move to drag your favorite part of the day to the box. 5. Use move to drag your least favorite part of the day to the box. 6. Optional: Use label to tell me about anything else you want me to know about your day. 7. Click check

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Use this activity to check in with your students at the end of the day. The activity uses the poll feature so students' answers will be collected and graphed. This activity asks students to choose their current emotion, to rate their day, to choose the best and the worst part of their day, and if they have anything else they want to share.
