Student Instructions
For the Parents- Talk about spring and what children do and wear during this season. Then tell children to listen closely to the words and look carefully at the pictures to learn more about spring and the other seasons. Stop every few pages to talk about what happens during different seasons. Name the seasons : spring, summer, fall, winter Respond: Have the student use their device, pictures, pointing, head nods, 'Yes/No' to respond Ask: 1. Is this story about Spring? 2. Is there a cow in the story? 3. Does the grass grow in the winter? 4. Does it snow in Spring? 5. Click finished and submit when done
P-LC 2 Child understands and responds to increasingly complex communication and language from others. P-LC 3 Child varies the amount of information provided to meet the demands of the situation. P-LC 6 Child understands and uses a wide variety of words for a variety of purposes. P-LC 7 Child shows understanding of word categories and relationships among words. P-LIT 4 Child demonstrates an understanding of narrative structure through storytelling/re-telling. P-LIT 5 Child asks and answers questions about a book that was read aloud.