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M. Spentzos

Show And Tell

Grades: 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: Character Building, Home Learning, Multilingual Learners

Student Instructions

Share something you are proud of! ANYTHING!! It could be a drawing you made, or you playing an instrument, or picture with a family member, or a souvenir from a trip, or your pet...ANYTHING! 1. Tap the add add button. 2. Take a photo photo of the object and then tap the mic microphone button and share the story about the object (why did you choose it? why are you proud of it? what makes it special?) OR 2. Record a video video of you and the object explaining the story about the object (why did you choose it? why are you proud of it? what makes it special?) 3. Listen to your recording/watch your video to make sure you are happy with the quality of sound. 4. Tap the check check to add your work to your journal.
