Student Instructions
You are responsible for building a device that your egg will rest in so it doesn't crack when dropped from a height of 5 feet. Have a family member help you make 1 hard-boiled egg. When your egg has cooled draw a face on it. Give your egg a name. Keep your egg refrigerated until you are ready to test your device. You can involve your family in this project if they have time. Let's get started on keeping your egg safe!
1. ๐ค Identify the opportunity.
2. Design your egg protection device. Brainstorm ideas, make drawings, gather supplies. ๐ Note: You CAN NOT build a "landing pad" to soften the drop. The only protection you can give your egg is the device you build to surround it. Your device cannot include pillows or clothing and must extend no more than 3 inches around your egg.
3. Pick a design and build a prototype of your egg protection device. Think about how you might slow the rate of descent, provide cushion, defy gravity etc.
4. Test your design by dropping your egg from 5 feet. Is your egg crack free after landing?
5. Tap to add to your journal.
Take a video or a
of your prototype and the results of your test. How did your prototype work? Is your egg crack free? What was the biggest challenge? What would you redesign?
Tap the green check to add to your journal.
๐ Remember you can eat your hard-boiled egg so it doesn't go to waste but ONLY if it has been at room temperature for LESS then 2 hours.
Challenge: Does your prototype work when the egg is dropped from 10 feet?
Option: Write a report about your design process. Include mathematical models that explain the forces you need to consider in order to keep your egg safe? This includes gravity, rate of descent, impact.
Family Why:
Giving your child the opportunity to design, create and build helps them learn to think creatively, take risks, ask questions and be innovative. These skills are important building blocks to science, programming and engineering skills.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
This activity allows students to find and use items in the home to build and create. It allows them to use basic "design thinking" principles in a fun way. Modify the activity based on the age of the students and the amount of design thinking you want to include. You can also modify this activity so each step is documented and includes writing and mathematical thinking (gravity, rate of descent, impact.) and is done over multiple days. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.7 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1 (If family members are involved.) CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1 CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity and Communication