Student Instructions
GOAL Teams will construct an apparatus to transport as many AA batteries as possible across a span of 6 meters at one time. MATERIALS Paper Clips (1 per team) AA Batteries Tape Paper (1 sheet) Teacher Setup: Fishing Line + Meter ruler Students work in teams of 2-3 Students have 25 minutes to construct a device that will transport a number of AA batteries from the top of the zip line to the bottom. The batteries must travel using only the force of gravity provided by the angle of the zip line. If any batteries fall out of the device at any time during the transport (including the landing), they cannot be counted. Each team’s successful run with the greatest number of batteries will be recorded for scoring. One person from each group needs to film the experiment.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Prior to the activity, the teacher will set up the gondola line or "zip line" that will be used in competition. Secured on each end, the zip line must extend 6 meters diagonally downward to the floor from a height of 2 meters. For a stronger zipline, the line may be doubled (2 strands of line together). Google Slides with Teaching Resources: Activity sourced from: