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Teachers, save “Recess Queen Tableau” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Reyes

Recess Queen Tableau

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Drama, STEAM, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

After listening to the story "The Recess Queen" collaborate with a group of 3 or 4 students to illustrate an important part of the story by creating a tableau (a frozen picture with your bodies, like statues) . 1. Discuss how to use your bodies and facial expressions to create the tableau. One of you will need to be the "director" and "camera person" or you can ask someone not in your group to take your picture. 2. When your tableau is ready, tap the add . 3. Take a photo photo. 4. Use the label or mic to tell which scene you are illustrating. 5. Tap the check to add to your journal. *Remember to add it to the journals of everyone in the group.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

"The Recess Queen" by Alexis O'Neill can also be found on YouTube, though this activity can be edited to be used with the book of your choice. *For a more challenging activity have the students create multiple tableaux of several scenes from the book. They can upload up to 10 photos to a single post by using the +add more option at the bottom of the camera roll before selecting the photos. Once the photos are selected, they can add a caption or recording to each one.
