Student Instructions
Learning Intention: Good Coburn Kids know and understand the importance of all the Coburn Values. Success Criteria: I can - demonstrate the Coburn Values of Responsibility, Cooperation, Respect and Excellence. - choose an activity on the grid to help me practise the Coburn School Values. - understand the importance of calming my mind so I can strive for Excellence. Students will choose some activities to complete in the Values and Mindfulness Grid. Use the provided pages to complete your chosen activity. You can us the label tool , drawing tool and mic tool to record your responses to the different activities. You can also upload a photo using the camera tool if that is what the task asks you to do as well. One of the tasks is a Postcard Challenge- We are asking students to design a Values Postcard that we will be able to send out to students to praise them for all their hard work. A winner will be chosen and this will be the postcard the whole school will use to celebrate our achievements. Once you have completed the task simply mark it off on the grid and add the date it was completed so you and your teacher know what task you did on what day. If you have completed enough tasks for the day click the green tick and submit it to your teacher. To get back into the the grid and complete more Values and Mindfulness tasks simply click on the three dots and choose edit activity to continue working in the document. Have fun and remember to strive for Excellence!