Student Instructions
Welcome to this festive writing challenge!
Enjoy creating your own Christmas Rap to this slow Christmas backbeat:
I have attached an example with the lyrics, just to give you some idea of what you can do! This is only five verses (5 lots of 4 lines), and takes you to around 1 minute 30 seconds on the video - you can make your rap longer if you wish, but aim for a minimum of 4 verses.
The beat starts at 26 seconds. After 13 seconds, you could do an intro: say your name, MC name, the year, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
The count for each line is a 4 count, the beat on the first line of the example lands on the words - Christmas, time, spreading, joy. The lines I have chosen are all quite long with lots of syllables, but you could choose to keep your lines shorter so it is easier to rap and keep up with the beat e.g Verse 2 line 3, and all of verse 4.
Use the internet to find rhyming words - lines 1 and 2 must rhyme at the end and lines 3 and 4 must rhyme at the end of each verse. In the example, verse one - joy and boy, tree and me.
Take inspiration from Christmas songs - use some words and lines that they have in them!
IDEAS & WORDS TO INCLUDE - Christmas, Santa, family, snow, frost, flurry, presents, gifts, happy, smile,
Once you have written you rap, give it a title and type the four verses into notes
on the template provided.
You can then voice record
yourself rapping the lyrics - if you have another device that could play the music in the background that may help you.
Good luck & enjoy!