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Teachers, save “All About Me” to assign it to your class.

Danieal Longanetti

All About Me

Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Character Building

Student Instructions

After you listen and read the instructions, select the add button to begin. 1. Use the template to share about WHO you are. You may change the headers if you would like to share something different. You can also change the colors and fonts! 2. Make sure to take a selfie photo or draw drawing a picture of yourself. 3. Use the label label tool to type an answer in each box. Think carefully, we want to get to know you! 4. Have fun by adding Emojis in each box to represent your answers. 5. You can add shapes shapes and/or change the background background too! 6. Use the rec record tool to share your creation. Most of all, have FUN!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity is created to help students share about themselves at the beginning of the year. It is a great activity to revisit later in the year to see if their goals have been met or changed. I have left the boxes editable so that students can change the headers to items they want to share about or feel comfortable sharing. Generally, before sharing this activity we brainstorm a list of topics we think will help us get to know each other. As a follow-up activity, I have students share this to our class blog and comment on 2-3 classmates' posts.
