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Nicole Pryor

Pete the Cat: Crayons Rock! By James & Kimberly Dean

Year Groups: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, PK-TK
Subjects: Art, Character Building, Home Learning

Instructions for Pupils

1. πŸ‘† link and πŸ‘‚ to Pete the Cat: Crayons Rock! By James & Kimberly Dean. Pete the Cat draws all of his friends in Pete the Cat: Crayons Rock! Draw your family and friends with your groovy crayons. 2. πŸ‘† add 3. πŸ‘† the Groovy drawing tool. Remember: ❀️ Art comes from the Heart! 4. πŸ‘† audio tool to tell about your drawing. 5. πŸ‘† check to turn in your assignment.

Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)

This activity idea came from the link provided. https://www.petethecatbooks.com/activities/
