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Martha Mercadante

Recontar la historia/ Retelling the Story: Fox Stone y la carrera de Trineos

Grades: 3rd Grade, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Writing, Reading, Lessons in Spanish

Student Instructions

🟥Recuenta la historia mic (Grábate leyendo tu historia) 1. Usa drawing dibuja lo que pasó en la historia. 2. Dibuja en orden, lo que paso primero, despues, luego y finalmente. 3. Usa caption para escribir 4 oraciones completas. 4. Usa mic para volver a contar la historia. 5. Oprime check para grabarlo en tu diario digital. 6. Aprende y diviértete! 🟦 Retell your story mic (record yourself) 1. Use the drawing drawing tool to draw what happened in your story. 2. Draw what happened first, next, then and finally. 3. Use the caption tool to write 4 sentences retelling your story. 4. Use the mic mic to retell the story. 5. Click the check check to upload to your journal 6. Learn and have fun!
