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Ashleigh D'Cruz

Tākaro-a-ringa (Maori hand games)

Grades: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Physical Education, World Languages

Student Instructions

Tākaro a-ringa play an integral part in the development of physical attributes such as hand and eye coordination. There are many traditional pastimes which strengthen physical and mental agility. Some examples are hipitoitoi, hei tama tū tama and whakaropiropi ai. These games involve memorising actions, sequences, numbers and calls in te reo Maori. Some of these games can be played in pairs and others in larger groups. 1. Click the link to watch the videos. 2. Tap add 3. Under each heading, upload a video of you playing each of the games with a parnter. 4. Press check
