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Teachers, save “Persuasive writing letter to mom and dad” to assign it to your class.

Lauren Alexander

Persuasive writing letter to mom and dad

Grades: Kindergarten
Subjects: Writing

Student Instructions

add 1. Tap the add button. photo 2. Take a photo of your writing. mic 3. Tap the mic and read your writing. *tell your teacher if it worked; did your letter help get you what you wanted from mom and dad? check 4. Tap the check and add to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

When students use the microphone tool and add their voice to Seesaw posts you the teacher gain deeper insight into their thinking. It’s one of the easiest ways for learners to tell you what they know. This is a great activity to do right after students finish writing a story. Students take a photo of their writing and tap the microphone to read their writing. This makes it easy for you to see and hear how your emergent writers are connecting letters, sounds, concepts of print, and reading. To do this activity with students… 1. Like ♡ then share this activity by tapping the green Share button. 2. Students sign in to Seesaw. 3. Students follow the steps to complete the activity.
