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Vickie Kennemer

AMI Day 4, Friday, March 20, 2020 Writing Activity for Mrs. Kennemer and Mrs. Henson

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Writing

Student Instructions

Writing, Day 4 - Both Teachers-Hello! Today is going to have you writing a story about our new season known as spring. You have paper available that was sent home last week or as most of you chose to do, you are more than welcome to type your story. I would like for the First Graders to write between 3 - 5 sentences for your story. Second Graders need to write 8 -10 sentences. Each sentence needs a capital letter and a punctuation mark. Your story must answer the following questions: 1. It is a spring day. What do you plan to do? 2. Are you planning on staying inside or outside? 3. Will this be an adventure or just a relaxing day? 4. Who will be joining you? 5. What are you looking forward to the most? Please make sure you have amazing detail to your "Spring Day" writing.
