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Teachers, save “Autumn Favorites: 3-5” to assign it to your class.


Autumn Favorites: 3-5

Grades: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, English Language Arts, Character Building

Student Instructions

1. Click add add response 2. Share your favorite memory using the frame-student-choice Student Choice Frame. 3. Share your favorite book about autumn using the frame-upload Upload Frame, frame-audio Audio Frame or frame-video Video Frame. 4. Make an Autumn Mood Board using the the frame-photo Photo Frame or frame-upload Upload Frame use the frame-audio Audio Frame to share more about it. 5. Click draft Draft to return to your work later. 6. Click check Check to submit your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Teachers, you can scaffold the activity by: -Recording your voice for accessibility -Adding additional activities -Removing pages that are not applicable -Separating the tasks to make it a quick 1-page activity
