Student Instructions
Humans have inputs and outputs. What are they? An input is where something goes in and is used in some way within our body, an output is something that comes out into the world around us. 1. Take a portrait photo of yourself, with your tongue out! 2. Move the input and output labels to the correct part of the head. Describe what the input or output actually is or is doing. You may need to create more labels by clicking on the 3 dots and choosing duplicate. EXTRA: Video you talking about inputs and outputs from our head. SUPER EXTRA: What other inputs and outputs do your find in the human body?
Update - made response template easier to use. Use this activity to start discussions around sensors on digital devices and robots. How are they like humans in regards to the senses and methods of communication that they have. What do devices use that we don't - note we have electricity of a type but different to devices, we don't use wires but have a nervous system equivalent, we have need energy inputs so do digital devices etc. Fuller Notes See: Input Output activity 1. Human Senses Inputs and Outputs Input Outputs 2: LED TV Remote Control Inputs and outputs. Input Activity 3: Robot inputs and outputs.