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Dena Burnett

Los colores

Grades: 7th Grade, 6th Grade, 8th Grade
Subjects: World Languages

Student Instructions

Find at least cinco things the same that come in different colors. Look up the noun (the thing you are going to describe by its color) and learn how to say it in Spanish and also find out if the noun is masculine or feminine. Remember, all nouns in Spanish are categorized as either masculine or feminine. In my example video, I chose flowers. In Spanish the word for flower is flor and I learned that this noun is feminine, so all my colors had to end with the feminine ending of "a" la flor amarilla. Please record yourself saying your noun (item) with the color matching it in gender. If I am talking about a shoe being yellow, it would be zapato amarillo. Colors that don't change endings are: azul, verde, gris, y marrón
