Student Instructions
Pick an animal that is interesting to you. It should be something a bit unusual! If you choose a more typical animal like a fish, pick a more specific species. Fill out the basic information on the left in Spanish.
Find pictures on Google image. Tap :camera: to insert a picture into each of the boxes for the other categories.
Tap or
to complete the information. If you choose to use the
please make sure your writing is clear and legible.
Once you have all of your information, tap
and talk all about your animal in Spanish. Don't forget to use complete sentences!
Here are a few hints to help you know what picture goes in each box:
Su dieta = ¿Qué come?
Su habitát =¿Dónde vive?
Sus características = ¿Qué tiene?
Sus acciones = ¿Cómo se mueve?
Nombre común = ¿Cómo se llama?
Nombre científico = scientific name (just Google this!)
tipo = mamífero, ave (pájaro), anfibio, pez, reptíl