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Autumn Favorites: PreK-2

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Music, English Language Arts, Art

Student Instructions

1. Click add add response 2. Share your favorite autumn activity using the frame-student-choice Student Choice Frame. 3. Sing a song about autumn using the frame-video Video Frame or frame-upload Upload Frame. 4. Share an autumn drawing using the frame-upload Upload Frame or frame-photo Photo Frame. 5. Go on an autumn scavenger hunt and use the frame-photo Photo Frame or frame-upload Upload Frame to share. 6. Click draft Draft to return to your work later 7. Click check Check to submit your work

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Teachers, you can scaffold the activity by: -Recording your voice for younger students -Adding specific tasks (Autumn Scavenger Hunt) -Removing pages that are not applicable -Separating the tasks to make it a quick 1-page activity
