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Maths - Creating a bar graph using data from a table

Grades: 4th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

L.I.: To construct a bar graph adjusting axis to fit data S.C.: To use data from a table to create a bar graph To construct a bar graph with two labelled axis To use a different scale on the y-axis The Olympics Games is a time when each country presents their best athletes to compete against each other. Unfortunately, the Olympic Games could not be held this year. Today we are going to look at the results of the Rio Olympics held in 2016. 1. Watch the video to understand how to read the information on the table. 2. In your maths books, construct a bar graph showing the top 5 countries Gold, Silver and Bronze medal tally. 3. Take a photo of your work and upload.
