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Kelly Seward

STEAM START: Playdough Challenges

Grades: 2nd Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Math, STEAM, Art

Student Instructions

Day ONE: 1. Use the Play Doh to create your names. Shape the play doh...don't just flatten it and then write in it. 2. Make it more challenging. Make your first and last names! 3. Take pictures and post to your SeeSaw account. Day TWO: 1. Make all of the non-round three dimensional shapes (cube, triangular prism, pyramid, rectangular prism, triangular pyramid) using the toothpicks and Play Doh. Think about how you can use the play doh to connect the toothpicks to build the structures. 2. Take pictures and post to your SeeSaw account. Day THREE: 1. Build a structure. A building, a house, an animal, etc. 2. Take pictures and post to your SeeSaw account.
