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Teachers, save “I can connect SMELLS to MEMORIES in my w…” to assign it to your class.

Mr. Dan

I can connect SMELLS to MEMORIES in my writing. (SHOW DON'T TELL, Descriptive language, ELA)

Grades: 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Think of a member of your family that is special to you (e.g. your grandma, your dad, your dog). What smells remind you of them? Why? Write a descriptive paragraph about this. You could start like this: The smell of ______ reminds me of ________. (Then add more details to explain the memory) ***Upload a video video of your writing with your voice reading it. Here is my example: The smell of cigarette fingers and sweet cedar sawdust reminds me of the year my dad built our family
