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Sonja McGinnis

Going on a Word Hunt

Grades: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts

Student Instructions

You will be going on a search for words, looking for features you have been working on in groups. 1. Take a photo photo of your card for a word you worked on in group. 2. Look for other words around the room or in books to find words with the same feature. 3. Take a photo photo of the word or page of the book that the word is located. 4. Use a drawing tool drawing Underline the feature of this word. 5. Use the label tool to type the word. 6. Record yourself reading the word or the sentence with the word and describe the word's feature that you underlined. 7. If you have time work on another one by selecting the pages to add another page. Then repeat steps 1-6. Add this to your journal by selecting the check in the top right corner to add it to your journal.
