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Ms. Susie

P.A.N.C.A.K.E. Challenge

Grades: 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: STEAM, Character Building, Home Learning

Student Instructions

" The first rule of pancakes: Don’t use a mix. Let me repeat that: Don’t use a mix. It saves no time, it tastes no good – and it costs more money." - Ruth Reichl Complete this challenge by doing one or more of the following: Choice #1: Make and eat some pancakes 1. Check out pancake ideas by talking to a family member or by visiting this Padlet: https://padlet.com/strifman/eytswwa67xp6079b 2. Make a pancake recipe of your choice - sweet or savory. Be creative! 3. Post a photo of the pancakes with the recipe OR create a video of you making and eating them. Choice #2: Do these eight activities and create a post that tells about what you did for each. P = PHOTOGRAPH something unique in your home. A = ASK for help with learning from your teachers, family, and friends. N = NEGOTIATE with your parents. Maybe you can figure out an allowance agreement? C = CLEAN the dishes. A = ALCOLIZE your phone and computer K = KICK the air, as high as you can. E = EXPERIMENT with a new look. S = SING your favorite song, as loud as you can.
