Instructions for Pupils
Today you will look at the likelihood of an event happening in everyday life. 1. Click the 2. Watch the video on the first slide to remind yourself about chance & probability. 3. Then, use the tool to sort the events according to their chance of occurring. 4. Next, use the tool to explain why an event might have that chance of occurring. 5. Finally click the to practise your knowledge of probability with a game. 6. Click the to submit your work.
This activity is designed for students to assess the probability of events. It does not cover 'equal chance'- that is lesson 3. It is the 2nd lesson in a series of probability & chance lessons I have available in Seesaw. Additional chance lessons can be found in my community profile or via my Wakelet YouTube Credits: Jaime Kubbere, 'Chance- Stage 1 Mathematics' Free Clip Art via