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Jess Waters

Baseball Maths Game

Grades: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

How to Play: Label each base as well as home plate with your number cards (see photos). These numbers will change each inning. The game is played by rolling two dice. The player can either add the two numbers or subtract one number from the other. For example, if a player rolls a 2 and a 5, he can count that either as 2+5=7 or 5-2=3. If the player can create a math sentence from the dice that equals one of the numbers on the baseball field, his “batter” (math counter) runs to that base. If the numbers rolled cannot be used to create a math sentence that matches one of the answers on the board, then that is an “out.” (We didn’t do strikes – the game would go on forever!) If you can make a math sentence that equals the number on home plate, you get a home run! Sometimes, a player will roll a combination which yields two possible answers that are both on the board. In the photo above, the player could either do 5+3=8 or 5-3=2, both of which are on the board. It was good for my 6 year old to have to use some strategy here – the 8 is the better choice since it’s on second base! Each player continues their turn until they have rolled three “outs.” If there are counters on the bases and the player rolls another hit, then all of the counters will run that number of bases. So for example, if there are runners on 1st and 3rd and the player rolls a 1st base number, the runner on 1st will go to 2nd and the runner on 3rd will run home. If the child had rolled a second base number with counters on the bases, they would have all moved two bases, and so on.
