Student Instructions
1. Decide what team are you going to be on! Team A (Blue) or Team B (Red.) 2. The teacher will display multiplication and division equations with missing numbers on the screen or the board. 3. The blue and pink game counters are movable. You should use them to cover numbers that are missing on the displayed cards. (In other words, solve the equations displayed and cover the numbers that are solutions to those equations.) 4. You should say BINGO when you cover 3 numbers in one row, one column, or on a diagonal (criss-cross)! Let's play Bingo!
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Two teams of students play a bingo game in which they solve for an unknown factor, divisor, or dividend and then cover the solution on their bingo boards. In solving for the unknown numbers, students may use a variety of strategies, including fact recall, working from fact they already know to derive answers for those they don't, looking at rectangular arrays, and skip counting backward and forward. As an extension, at the end of the game, the teacher selects one equation and ask students to complete the fact family for that fact. The problems should be displayed over Zoom as a shared screen, or on the board for the class to see. Here is the Force Copy link for the problem cards: This game goes with Grade 3 Bridges Math Program - Unit 5, Module 2, Session 3 - What’s Missing? Bingo