Instructions for Pupils
Click on the button. In this activity you will use your knowledge of the divisibility rules and logic to uncover the 'fortunate five'. An example has been completed for you. Use the tool to cross out the numbers that aren't so lucky. Use the tool to circle the numbers that are the 'fortunate five' or take a screen shot of those numbers and add them to the page or use the tool to write the numbers. Use the tool to complete the self evaluation slide and then press the button to submit your work.
Divisibility practice for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. Students need to eliminate the numbers according to the constraints of the game. Add in your own voice instructions if you think students need support with understanding the questions. Answers: Slide 1: The Fortunate Five are: 47 red, 35 orange, 25 red, 11 green and 7 orange. Slide 2; 22 orange, 18 & 37 purple, 27 & 14 white. Slide 3 answers are 1 green, 11 & 23 pink, 37 red and 49 yellow.