Instructions for Pupils
🎯Learning Target: I can listen to a word and build it using letters. I can change a letter to make a new word.
Tap to start the activity.
Tap the
on the ⭐.
Listen to the directions to build the word.
Move the letters that make the sound into the boxes to build the word.
🔟 There are 10 pages in this activity. When you reach the 🛑, you're all done!
Press the green check to turn in your work.
Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)
Word Building Directions: 1. Take two letters and build the word at. 2. Change one letter in at to make the word ap. 3. Add one letter to ap to make the word tap. 4. Change one letter in tap to make the word sap. 5. Change one letter in sap to make the word sat. 6. Change one letter in sat to make the word mat. 7. Change one letter in mat to make the word map. 8. Change one letter in map to make the word tap. 9. Change one letter in tap to make the word sap. 10. Change one letter in sap to make the word map.