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Teachers, save “PK Math_Story Subtraction (Separating)” to assign it to your class.

Karen Griffin

PK Math_Story Subtraction (Separating)

Grades: PK-TK, Kindergarten
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

add Start the activity. move Use the ⭐ to represent the group of objects. Use the ✖ to cover the stars and take away from the group. How many are left? pen Circle and write the number. On the last page, create your own subtraction math story and tell how many are left! check Turn in your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity supports the following Virginia ELDS for Math: 3.2d Solves subtraction (separating) problems using manipulatives (e.g., fingers, objects, tally marks) Virginia Kindergarten SOLs: SOL K.6Sa The student will model and solve single-step story problems with sums to 10 and differences within 10, using concrete objects. Activity Progression: Present to Whole Class: Provide manipulatives for students to follow along as you complete the activity together. Small Groups: Provide manipulatives for students to follow along as you complete the activity together. Independent: Allow students to manipulate objects on the screen and complete the activity independently.

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